Why do we enjoy holidays so much?
Because a break from our normal routine is uplifting.
Much of the advice currently concerning ‘lockdown’ and ‘social distancing’ involves a strong message that we must have routine. Although a good sleep, exercise and mealtime routine is healthy, perhaps we should also consider the positives of not having to adhere to our normal routines in other areas for a while.
Why not enjoy the freedom and some spontaneity? Unless we are working over the internet and obliged to comply to normal office hours, for most people currently, we are temporarily free to choose how we spend our days. Let’s enjoy this moment.
One of the things that keeps us locked into routine is the need to feel we are in control. Having a routine brings a sense of ‘normality’, ‘purpose’ and ‘structure’ to our daily lives. Whilst adhering to this, we have the impression we are in control, when in reality, we are not.
The ‘control’ is an illusion and can even be detrimental to our health, if taken to extreme. For those with a tendency to obsessional traits and disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, the being ‘in control’, the routine, can become the problem. It can become a burden. Better that we learn to live in the ‘grey area’ of uncertainty and enjoy the moment, which can be extremely liberating.
So rather than imposing an endless, boring schedule upon ourselves, why not take this opportunity to taste the freedom of spontaneous activity? The sun is shining…. Let’s get out into the garden, those other chores can wait for a rainy day. The kids are home, let’s take a bike ride (albeit not more than the specified distance from home). It’s raining, let’s play scrabble or monopoly. I have the afternoon in front of me, why not go on YouTube and learn a new skill, a language, a musical instrument, a craft. We can wear comfortable clothes, track suits and trainers and not a uniform or latest fashion item.
Remember, it is healthy to aim to sleep and wake at approximately the same time each day. It is important to have a routine around mealtimes and eat well. Other than this we can be extremely flexible. For those with children, we can decide when schoolwork should be done. We can be the good guys and give teenagers that extra hour in bed in the morning, that research shows is helpful, and let them do their studying late morning.
We are our own bosses for a change, lets make the most of it.
Now there lies a sense of ‘control’!