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Writer's pictureJason Welch

Get Mentally Healthy

So it’s the start of a new year, in fact a new decade, so I’m sure many of you are thinking about the aspects you want to change in your life and have set yourself one or two New Year resolutions, generally aimed at improving your health. One thing that has become far more topical towards the end of the last decade is Mental Health, especially within the UK. Last week saw the launch of the UK Football Associations ‘Heads up’ campaign’, with a view to get the many thousand of football fans talking about the subject. When you look at some of the facts, it’s easy to understand why more and more focus is being put on mental health. 1 in every 4 people admit to having mental health issues, however, many experts believe it’s more like 1 in every 2, whereas I believe it effects all of us. Mental health problems cost the global economy over $1 trillion every year but one of the most humbling facts is, globally, 1 person dies every 40 seconds linked to a mental health condition.

It’s clear that mental health should be on everyone’s agenda but how do we get mentally healthy? Having had my own experience with depression and anxiety, it set me on a journey to learn more about what makes us tick and how to stay healthy. As with many things in this digital world, you can always find lots of information on any given subject, but which do you believe or even trust. It was not easy but I decided to focus on scientific based facts. From what I learnt, I came up with my own 6 strategies to get mentally healthy and in the process managed to lose 2 ½ stone in weight and ran my first half marathon.

If someone has a physical illness or injury, they take action to correct it, too often when it comes to our Mental Health we don’t recognise the signs or the symptoms and therefore take no action until its too late - Get Mentally Healthy aims to support employers to, firstly educate their staff and help them implement their own strategies to stay Mentally Healthy.

Jason Welch

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